Weekly Maintenance - 21/06/2023

  • announcement_nostale_gfqa_e56d4d43d220349d3407a9af8f4ba81e.png

    Hey NosPlayers,

    Tomorrow we will have our weekly maintenance.

    When exactly?

    Wednesday, June 21st 2023 from 9:00 until approximately 11:15 CEST. Our gameservers, as well as some of our services, will be unavailable during that time.

    What is being changed?

    • Usual restart and database optimization
    • After having reduced the essences needed for the pet trainer with the maintenance on June 6th, we will send out one essence of the respective level for each upgrade above +2 that was made before June 6th.
    • With this maintenance you should be able to link your Steam account to your Gameforge account by yourself. A more detailed guide will be provided at a later point.

    The NosTale Team