New International Forum

  • NosTale is moving to a new forum!

    In recent years, the platforms used by the community to interact with each other have been changing organically, according to the new needs of users and advancing technical possibilities and innovations. In addition, the global nature of the internet has led us to connect with people beyond our borders, making it common for almost any online community to be made up of people from different countries and languages.

    These facts have led to forums, as they were conceived years ago, losing activity in favour of other more accessible or international platforms like Discord and Reddit. However, we know that forums remain an important tool with regards to informative content, so we want to update their functionality so that they continue to be relevant today.

    That’s why we’ve decided to open a new forum for NosTale, focused on those aspects where forums still bring great value and in which they are hard to replace.

    What to Expect from This New Forum

    To start with, the new NosTale forum will bring together seven of our communities: International, Czech, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Turkish. This means that these communities’ old forums will be put into read-only mode and it will not be possible to register new accounts, create new threads or reply to them. This status of the old forums will last some time until the influx of users has been channelled to the new forum and some of the information stored there has been transferred to the new forum. Once this process is complete, the old forums will be closed and will no longer be accessible.

    As mentioned above, the focus of the new forum will be on informative content. On the one hand, all news will continue to be published in all languages as before, and this will also be the RSS source for Discord announcements. On the other hand, we want to make the guides section a place where people regularly go to get useful information about the game and how our different platforms work.

    But that’s not all. The ability to express oneself openly is fundamental on any internet platform, so while some categories that existed in the old forums will no longer be there (such as bug reports, suggestions, family search or business, which have a greater reach on Discord with other departments involved), other categories such as help, discussions, creative content and off-topic will continue to have their place, so players can continue to interact and share their opinions and passions with others.

    It’s also worth giving special mention to the artistic content, such as fan art and creative writing. You have the possibility to move your drawings and stories from the old forums to the new one, while they are still accessible in read-only mode. We highly appreciate the content which the community has contributed to the game over all these years, and we would like at least part of its history to accompany us on this new journey. If you need help from the forum team to carry this out, don’t hesitate to contact us through the support system.

    With all that said... the new forum is now open! You can access it via the following link: We invite you to register and share your feedback about the current structure, any changes or improvements you would make, and most importantly, participate in the way you enjoy the most.

    Enjoy your new home!

    The NosTale Team